Call: Ethics and equity in implementing novel biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease

Call for Papers.
Special Issue of „Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Disease Monitoring”
Ethics and equity in implementing novel biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease

Guest Editors: Frederick Ketchum, Annalise Rahman-Filipiak, Amy Kind

New biomarkers have the potential to transform the diagnosis and care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders by allowing accurate, timely, and accessible testing. Additionally, blood-based biomarkers that are available in a variety of healthcare settings may improve access to care, especially for underserved and underrepresented groups. The ethical implementation of new biomarker tests will require 1) maximizing benefits for patients while minimizing risks; 2) informing and empowering individuals to make decisions; and 3) ensure tests have been validated for use with diverse populations and are available equitably.

Evidence is still needed in several key areas, and we are soliciting evidence-based manuscripts around the topic of identifying and meeting ethical and healthcare equality challenges to the widespread use of new biomarkers.

Possible topics for consideration:

·         ethical and social issues around blood biomarkers

·         psychosocial outcomes

·         preferences among patients, caregivers, and families regarding testing and disclosure

·         legal and/or health insurance ramifications and strategies to minimize stigma

·         best use of use of diagnostic and treatment resources

·         decision-making and communication approaches

·         identification of barriers among underserved and underrepresented groups

Submission Information:
Papers should be in English. While this issue will focus primarily on papers that relate to the implementation of blood biomarkers, submissions that include other AD biomarkers are welcome. All submitted manuscripts will undergo peer-review and accepted manuscripts will be compiled within a single issue in summer 2025.

Submission deadline for full papers: October 31, 2024 on the journal website.

Please contact Frederick Ketchum ( with any questions.