Digital Medical Ethics Network
Call for Abstracts: Master Class “Data Justice in Healthcare”
Time: February 19-23, 2024
Venue: Tübingen, Germany
The Digital Medical Ethics Network funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence “Machine Learning for Science” Tübingen, will host a Master Class on „Data Justice in Healthcare“ from February 19-23, 2024 in Tübingen, Germany. The Master Class aims to promote the exchange of ideas about the emergence, the ethical significance as well as possible individual and systemic solution strategies for a just handling of data within healthcare. Topics of data justice in the context of medical AI/ML, mobile health technologies (mHealth), and data governance will be analyzed and discussed. Contributions from international experts like Sven Nyholm, Sune Hannibal Holm, Linnet Taylor and Tineke Broer will enrich the Master Class.
PhD students, PostDocs and early career researchers with interests on questions regarding the ethical, legal, and social aspects in the context of digitalization, health, and data justice are cordially invited to apply for participation. Applicants are asked to submit an abstract in English on the topics for the paper they would like to present at the Master Class (max. 500 words) together with a short CV via e-mail to until 31th of July 2023.
For more information:
Call for Abstracts: