Konferenz: Journal Club of Digital Bioethics

17.05.2024 Online.

Journal Club

Time: 17th May 2024, 12-13 CEST
Venue: Online (via Teams)

Organization: Sabine Salloch (MHH)

The DFG-funded Scientific Network “Digital Bioethics” (2023-2026) is an interdisciplinary research and networking initiative that aims to analyze, critically assess and further develop the use of digital approaches and methods within bioethics as an academic field. As a newly established format the network is about to start a digital Journal Club dedicated to recent publications from the field that will be discussed with a methodological focus and preferably together with the author(s). The Journal Club will be held in English and is open to everyone who is scientifically interested. The article, which is the subject of each session, needs to be read in advance so that we have a shared basis for discussion.

We will discuss the article “Exploring the role of AI in classifying, analyzing, and generating case reports on assisted suicide cases: feasibility and ethical implications” by Giovanni Spitale et al. The article can be accessed Open Access here. Giovanni Spitale and Federico Germani agreed to join the Journal Club and to be available for questions from the audience.

You can join the Journal Club (by using the MS Teams) via this link.
Meeting-ID: 358 917 044 68
Code: Jrefjs

A registration is not necessary.